Friday, May 30, 2008

May 30, 2008

Well, I am feeling pretty good. I think that I am starting to catch on to how some of these systems work. I made all of my old stuff into new posts, so now my instructor and my peers can view them as RSS feeds instead of having the information just being part of the blogs general layout. I have also subscribed to some of the blogs of other students in the program. I am viewing and reading their blogs in my blog reader. I plan on continuing to write 3x's per week with updates on how the course is going.
This week I have been working on the Bookmarking Assignment. I was already familiar with Del.icious, but now I am working with Connetea and Zotero. I like how you can capture pages of web sites on Zotero. I also like how you can have a multiple collection of files on Zotero. Del. icious and Connetea both keep their logos to capture information on the top of the screen and Zotero keeps theirs on the bottom. This simple difference threw me off a little, but I am getting used to it.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

May 29,2008

I started listening to the course podcasts. They have proven to be very beneficial. The first one was on RSS feeds. I realized that I was doing this all wrong. Because I was adding information to the layout of my blog instead of adding new posts, my new information was was not getting sent as RSS feeds to my instructor or my peers. I reconstructed the site and I think that it is becoming more organized.

Week One of the Course

Started by looking trough the syllabus and reading some of the required readings.

A Little Bit about Me!

My name is Cassy. I am a student at the Unversity of Pittsburgh in the Library Science program. I have been working at a library for 7 years. I started working in the Circulation Department and now I am working in the Reference Department. I have had the opportunity to learn about the ILL process, research geneology, and help with the repair of AV materials. I also work at the Reference desk where I help patrons with questions and the searching of books. I love my job and I look forward to this opportunity to discuss, with you, all the things that I am learning at school and on the job!

Me and My Friends in the Program!

This is Cohort 7.5 in the University of Pittsburgh Fast Track Program. To find out more about our program you can visit the University's web site at (Melissa, I am sorry that I stood right in front of you!)

Mr. Popper's Penguins

I love reading this book to my children!

August Rush

My Favorite Movie!

New York Comic Con (Kids Day)


Clyde gets spoiled by my daughter!

Week Two of the Course

Last week I added all of the required accounts and software to my computer. This week I have been practicing how to use them.Examples-Google, Refworks, Connetea, Del.icious, WorldCat and Zoho, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Adobe Flash Player 9.0, Amaya, Audacity, FileZilla Client, Firefox2, Foxmarks Bookmark Synchronizer, Google Toolbar for Firefox, JHMC CMapTools, Jing, Screencast, Skype, and Zotero

Week One of the Course

Started by looking through the syllabus, purchasing books for the course and starting my reading.